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Social Security Administation

my Social Security

If you have not already created an online account with Social Security, you can do so here. You must be able to verify some information for yourself and:

  • Have a valid email address;
  • Have a Social Security number;
  • Have a U.S. mailing address; and 
  • Be at least 18 years of age.

When you create a my Social Security account, you will no longer receive a paper Social Security Statement in the mail. You will, however, receive an email reminder - which contains no personal information - approximately three months before your birthday, to remind you to review your Statement online.

For Federal Employees

Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS)

Benefits.gov - Federal Employees Retirement System

Office of Personnal Management - Federal Employees Retirement System

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)

Thrift Savings Plan

Office of Personnel Management - Thrift Savings Plan